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Privacy Policy collects certain personal information about users of our site in order to provide the service our site is intended to provide. We do not share or sell personal information to any other party. 

We strive to protect your data from accidental exposure by using trusted and secure platforms for the services we provide. Currently, our site is powered by the Wix platform, and our payment processing platform is Wix Payments.

You have a right to request a copy of the personal data we collect about you, or to request that we delete all personal data related to you that is stored on our behalf in the Wix platform. To exercise either, or both, of these rights, please contact us using our Contact form.

We collect the following personal information about our users.


Our site uses cookies to help us track how you use our site and services. We do not display third-party advertisements on our site, so the only cookies you should receive from us and send back to us are the ones that help us know how you’re using our site.


When you subscribe to our site to be notified of new posts, we collect and keep your email address.

Payment Data

When you make a purchase using our online store, we collect contact information including you name, phone number and email address. Additionally, when entering payment card information, the Wix Payments platform collects your card information for the purpose of executing the payment transaction. Your payment card information is stored in the Wix Payments system, and we do not have direct access to it.

Privacy Policy: Text
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