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  • Writer's pictureChristine

Lesson Plan: Moses 7:23-41

Updated: Jun 7, 2022

A note about reading: I use several different things when I have my students read. Companions, Groups and for whole class reading I will go around the room and have each student read one verse at a time until all the verses I requested have been read. These types of reading helps keep my students engaged in the lesson. I also strive to remind them to read their verse with emotion as it helps to bring the accounts to life.

Q-In your experience, how do you know someone loves you?

Today as you study I invite you to look for all the ways God shows His love for everyone of His children.

Read Moses 7:23-26 and notice what is happening on the earth after Enoch and the city of Zion are taken up to God.

Q-What is happening on the earth once Enoch and the city of Zion are gone? (see verses 24, 26)

Q-What do you think the "great chain" in verse 26 could represent?

Q-What do you think the veil of darkness could represent?

Look for how God responds as we Read Moses 7:27

Q-According to verse 27, how does God respond to what Satan has done?

Q-According to verse 27, what happens to those that the Holy Ghost falls upon? (they are caught up to heaven and the city of Zion)

Q-So if those who choose righteousness are all caught up to heaven, who do you suppose is left on the earth?

With your companion:

Read Moses 7:28-31 and look for how both God and Enoch respond to the wickedness of the people on the earth. Also underline all the attributes of God that Enoch mentions.

Q-What does God do?

Q-What does Enoch do?

Q-Why do you think Enoch responds the way he does?

Q-What attributes of God does Enoch point out in verses 29-31?

Enoch is clearly confused how God could weep for such wicked people when God Himself is holy. So God gives Enoch some insights into why God feels the way He does…Let's read together Moses 7:32-33 and look for why God is weeping

First of all, notice in verse 32 that God refers to the wicked people on the earth as Enoch's brethren or brothers.

Q-Then what 2 things in verse 32, does God point out to Enoch? (they are the workmanship of God's hands, God gave them agency)

Q-What is agency?

Q-In verse 33, notice how God refers to Himself in regards to these brethren, what does that tell you about how God feels about them and you?

Q-What difference does the make knowing that God views Himself first as your Father make in your life?

Q-How do you think that knowledge would bless the people of the world if they really understood that truth?

Q-According to verse 33, what two things dis this perfect Father God say to these brethren? (love one another, choose me (God))

Q-According to verse 33 what did these brethren do with their agency?

Share with your companion your answer to this question:

Q-In your opinion, how are agency and the commandments evidence of God's love for you?

Share as a class:

Q-What did you come up with?

Now that Enoch has a little more understanding of how God sees things, God lets Enoch know that even though He weeps over those of His children who choose not to follow Him, He still has to execute justice. But as you will see in the following verses even in His justice there is mercy.

Read Moses 7:34-40 and look for the justice and mercy of God *Note in verse 39 "That which I have chosen" refers to Jesus Christ

Q-Where in these verses did you see God executing justice?

Q-According to verse 36, how wicked are these brethren who will perish in the flood? (the wickedest of all God's creations)

Q-Where in these verses did you see God showing mercy to even the wickedest of His children?

Q-According to verse 38, where will those who perish in the flood be put by God?(prison)

To find what prison God is referring to look at footnote 38a. (reference given is 1 Peter 3:20 (18-21))

Go to 1 Peter 3:18-20 and read what Peter has to say about these brethren and the prison they will go to.

Q-After reading 1 Peter 3:18-20, what prison did God prepare for these brethren to go to?

In Moses 7:39 we also read the Jesus Christ pled with God for these wicked brethren because He has suffered for their sins.

Q-According to verse 39, what will happen to those who choose to use Christ's Atonement and repent?

*Note, "the day that my Chosen shall return unto me" is referring to the time right after Christ's resurrection(see footnote 39a)

Go to the footnote for 39d and tell me what the word "torment" means in this particular scripture? (damnation)

Explain: when something is dammed it means that its progress is stopped. Like a stream that is dammed and cannot continue to move forward. Just like this, the wicked brethren have had their progression stopped and that is the torment they are suffering in Spirit Prison.

With this new understanding and insight into God's Plan of Salvation for His children Enoch has the following experience, look for what has changed?

Q-How does Enoch now feel about his brethren?

Q-Why do you think that is?

Q-What do you think Moses wanted you to learn from this interaction between Enoch and God?

Q-What difference will knowing that make in your life today?

Testify: Always end your lesson by having either you or one of your students share their belief of the truthfulness of something they learned today.

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