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  • Writer's pictureChristine

Lesson Plan: Moses 8:18-24

Updated: Jun 7, 2022

With your companion, discuss the following question:

Q-In your experience, what challenges to righteousness do you see in the world around you?

Q-What are some of the things you came up with?

With these challenges in mind let's read about Noah and the challenges the people on the earth faced during his time.

Let's start by reading Moses 8:18. Look for who we first meet and what they are doing

Q-What group of people do we meet first in this verse? (giants)

Interesting to note, according the Old Testament Manual for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "The Hebrew name for “giants” in Genesis 6:4 and Moses 8:18 is Nephilim, which comes from the verb naphal, meaning “to fall.” Therefore, these may have been people who had apostatized or fallen away from the true religion."

On an 8x10 piece of paper or in your notebooks, on the left side of your paper, draw a picture of a giant.

Q-What did the giants try to do to Noah?

On the right side of the paper, draw a picture of you. Then draw the giant throwing your answers to the following question at you.

Q-In what ways have you seen people try to lead you away from the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Lord's prophet on the earth today?

Discuss their answers as a class or have them share them with their companions or in small groups.

Q-According to Moses 8:18, why was Noah not destroyed?

On your picture, draw something around you to represent the power of the Lord protecting you. Then write your answers to the following question within that protection.

Q-In what ways have you seen the Lord be with you as others have tried to destroy your faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ or in the Lord's prophet?

Discuss their answers as a class or have them share them with their companions or in small groups.

As a class discuss the following questions:

Q-Why do you think it is important to remember your experiences with the Lord and His protection?

Q-What have you learned about the Lord from these experiences? (His power, His attributes, How He feels about you, etc.)

Let's see what happens next with Noah and the people during his time.

Read Moses 8:20-22 and look for how the people react to Noah.

Q-How did the people react to Noah?

Q-When have you seen these same type of reactions from people today?

But like all prophets of God, Noah does not give up his preaching of the words of the Lord.

With your companion:

Read Moses 8:23-24 and look for what God felt was most important for Noah to tell the people.

Q-What did God feel was most important for Noah to teach the people?

Q-Why do you think God wanted this particular message preached?

Depending on what your students need there are several parts you may want to focus in on in this verse. Here are some suggestions:

  • Q-What article of faith does this remind you of? Where else in the scriptures have you seen the Lord's prophets talk about these things?

  • Q-What do you think it means to believe? Why do you think someone needs to believe in Jesus Christ before they repent of their sins?

  • Q-What has the prophet, President Nelson, taught you about repentance and baptism? (Have your students look up different talk and messages from President Nelson on these subjects using their gospel library app and/or

  • Q-Why do you think God asks us to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ?

  • Q-Why do you think God wanted the people to know that Jesus Christ was His son? What difference would that make? What difference does that make in your own life today?

  • Q-According to verse 24, what blessing am I entitled to after I receive the Holy Ghost? When have you experienced the Holy Ghost manifesting or showing something to you?

Testify: Always end your lesson by having either you or one of your students share their belief of the truthfulness of something they learned today.

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