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  • Writer's pictureChristine

Lesson Plan: Moses 8:28-30; Genesis 6-7

Updated: Jun 7, 2022

Draw a representation of Noah's ark on the board

Ask your students to tell you the account of Noah's ark by playing, "and then what happened…"

Directions: Have a few of your students tell the basic story of Noah's ark, by sharing just a small part of the story and then calling on someone else to finish it (including you).

You start by saying something like this: In the days of Noah there was great wickedness on the land, so God asked Noah to cry repentance to all the people, and then what happened [call on one of your students]

The student would continue the account by saying something like… the people didn't repent so God told Noah to build the ark, and then what happened [name of another person]

Continue doing this until you feel the account is complete.

When you have finished start the next part of the lesson by sharing that we often talk about the general wickedness of the people during Noah's time as being the reason God flooded the earth, but actually God names a very specific type of wickedness in the scriptures.

Choose one of the following passages and silently read it to discover the specific wickedness God names. Then think about how that applies to your life today.

Q-What did God say the earth was filled with? (violence)

Important Note: Please be aware that there may be students in your class who are victims of terrible violence. So please use the Spirit to guide your discussion. Always remind the class that those who are victims of violence are never at fault. Encourage those who are suffering from the violence of others to talk with someone they trust to get the help they need.

Q-In what ways do you see violence filling the earth today?

Write the students answers on the board around the outside of the ark.

Depending on the answers given, you may want to ask the following follow-up question:

Q-In what ways do you think you could help lessen the amount of violence you let into your life? (video games, movies, swearing, etc.)

Just like God provided an ark to protect Noah and his family, God provides you with protection, not just from violence, but from all forms of wickedness.

Have students come up to the board and write something on the ark, that God has given them to protect them from the violence and wickedness of the world.

With their companions have them choose one of the protections listed on the ark. Then have them answer the following questions. Remind them to be prepared to share what they discovered.

  1. When in the scriptures have you seen someone use this God given protection in their lives?

  2. When in your life have you or someone you know used this God given protection in their lives?

Have everyone share what they discovered

I discovered something else interesting about the members of the ark and a final protection that was given to them.

Read Genesis 7:16 and look for who shut the ark.

16 And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him: and the Lord shut him in.

Q-Who shut the ark?

Q-Why do you think that is significant?

Q-What could that mean in your life?

Q-What does the Lord shutting Noah's family into the ark teach you about the Lord? (His power, His feelings toward you, His attributes)

Testify: Always end your lesson by having either you or one of your students share their belief of the truthfulness of something they learned today.

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