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  • Writer's pictureChristine

The Blessings of a Class Prayer List

Updated: Jun 7, 2022

A lot of us already know the importance of praying for our students individually by name, yet few of us have ever heard about a class prayer list and the incredible benefits of having one. So let me share what I have learned with you. First, what is a class prayer list? It is the opportunity for your class to join together in prayer for people they know and love. And that, my friends, is powerful!

So how do you do start a class prayer list? In my class I always had on my whiteboard a space titled "prayer list". I invited my students to write the names of those they would like us to pray for on that list. I told my students that they could share with us what was going on in that person's life or if they preferred not to share any details that was fine, too. My students would then remember those individuals listed on our prayer list in both our opening and closing prayers. Sometimes our prayer list was short and other times it was long, but every person on that list was prayed for by name. (I assured the student who was praying that they could open their eyes to read the list if needed and their prayer would still count!)

This prayer list not only helped to unify my class in a very personal way but it had the added benefit of helping me know what was going on in the lives of my students. When a student was out sick, we added their name to the list. If one of my students had an event or test or anything else that they would like us to pray for them, we added them to the list. Everyone was welcome on our list! If someone was important to a member of our class, they were important to all of us.

I am forever grateful that the Lord inspired me to start a class prayer list. It has been one of my greatest blessings to be able to reach out to my Heavenly Father with the combined faith of my students to bless the lives of others. It truly has been an amazing experience. One that I hope you will be inspired to try for yourself.

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